2011-07-17 20:03:16 UTC
Software companies fleeing US to set up shop elsewhere
Hooray! Patent trolls have finally won.
The USA has lost.
That's it in a nutshell. The US got what it wished for.------------------------------------------------------
Hooray! Patent trolls have finally won.
The USA has lost.
Congratulations. May it enjoy its bankruptcy.
by the politicians creating debt.
The US has really got to smarten up and start reigning
in this software patent thing so that more companies
can flourish without this burden. At the very least
some states should ban software patents so that
hard up companies can re-locate into those states
and flourish. If that does happen, other states
could follow and also encourage the federal government
to drop software patents, and if it doesn't then sue
them to get it dropped citing flourishing business
as reason. Government interference in business is
overbearing enough.