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Is this joker for real?
Joseph Michael (***
Search tool
28 Dec 1995 03:00:11 -0500
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Well boys, I've made it somewhat. As of 9th December my title has been
upgraded to the one indicated in the signature below :-)
You may have seen me in the International version of the Finacial
Times newspaper on 11th December page 6.
I've talked about fractal shape changing robots for a while now.. I've
started commercialising the technology with at least two projects that
have got off the ground. I guess the first prototypes are only a
couple of weeks away now.
The prospect of a Terminator 2 liquid metal like robot with self
repair is a real possibility and I am wondering how many universities
and research organisations want to participate.
The total cost is around $25m tops for chips, manufacturing equipment,
software and all the rest. The robot is to be made from glass
extrusion technology - similar to the fibre optic cable manufacturing
technology. Its going to be vastly cheaper than micro-machining
technology. The robot cubes will be about 1mm in size.
Information on the robot technology can be found at in
directory /pub/ibmpc/dos/apps/graphics/pm in file which is a
Microsoft Word 2.0 document. This will be ugraded soon to A
university is working on a web page. When it is complete, I'll mail
the address.
I'm thinking of organising an international meeting/conference for all
those wishing to participate here in London in England. No dates as
yet, and it all depends on responses from you out there. For all those
wishing to participate, whether its to come along and listen or to
walk away with chunks of the project, please send me mail so I can
estimate the numbers and organise this meeting accordingly. Hotels in
this area are cheap if you're thinking of staying for a few days :-)
I'll keep posting information over the next few days as things
*------------------| EUROPEAN INVENTOR OF THE YEAR 1995
| Joseph Michael * Robodyne Cybernetics Ltd |
| *** | 23 Portland Rise, London N4 2PT |
| Tel 0836 703945 (Mobile) | Tel 0181-800 9914 Fax 9915 |
Joseph Michael (***
Search tool
28 Dec 1995 03:00:11 -0500
* Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][ subject ][ author ]
* [ Next ][ Previous ] In reply to: Joseph Michael
Well boys, I've made it somewhat. As of 9th December my title has been
upgraded to the one indicated in the signature below :-)
You may have seen me in the International version of the Finacial
Times newspaper on 11th December page 6.
I've talked about fractal shape changing robots for a while now.. I've
started commercialising the technology with at least two projects that
have got off the ground. I guess the first prototypes are only a
couple of weeks away now.
The prospect of a Terminator 2 liquid metal like robot with self
repair is a real possibility and I am wondering how many universities
and research organisations want to participate.
The total cost is around $25m tops for chips, manufacturing equipment,
software and all the rest. The robot is to be made from glass
extrusion technology - similar to the fibre optic cable manufacturing
technology. Its going to be vastly cheaper than micro-machining
technology. The robot cubes will be about 1mm in size.
Information on the robot technology can be found at in
directory /pub/ibmpc/dos/apps/graphics/pm in file which is a
Microsoft Word 2.0 document. This will be ugraded soon to A
university is working on a web page. When it is complete, I'll mail
the address.
I'm thinking of organising an international meeting/conference for all
those wishing to participate here in London in England. No dates as
yet, and it all depends on responses from you out there. For all those
wishing to participate, whether its to come along and listen or to
walk away with chunks of the project, please send me mail so I can
estimate the numbers and organise this meeting accordingly. Hotels in
this area are cheap if you're thinking of staying for a few days :-)
I'll keep posting information over the next few days as things
*------------------| EUROPEAN INVENTOR OF THE YEAR 1995
| Joseph Michael * Robodyne Cybernetics Ltd |
| *** | 23 Portland Rise, London N4 2PT |
| Tel 0836 703945 (Mobile) | Tel 0181-800 9914 Fax 9915 |