European Inventor Of The Year Award Claim By Joseph Michael of UK Questioned.
(too old to reply)
2013-08-23 22:41:57 UTC
On Fri, 23 Aug 2013 23:18:23 +0100, 7 wrote:

Joseph Michael currently residing in the UK has been claiming to have
won the prestigious "European Inventor Of The Year" award. The
organization which makes that award has never heard of him.

Here he is asking for investments:


"I'm European Inventor of The Year and actively rolled up in the
process of trying to commercialise a new technology. People say that
its difficult to get things commercialised in the UK and I'm trying
to apply some attention to this problem. Having been asked a question
by a Journalist, here is an answer I had formulated based on
experiences and some research."

You can check for yourself here:


So why hasn't a single Linux advocate in comp.os.linux.advocacy
challenged Joseph Michael's ludicrous claims?

Good question.

Maybe we should ask Chris Ahlstrom who defends Joseph Michael because
he claims he is a genius. I kid you not.
Thinking of trying Linux?
Better Read This First:

2013-08-23 23:41:12 UTC
All this because this Burson Marstelar
One thing about Linux/FOSSie Linturds is that they are highly
More flat cake frottage.

When did you predict all this you lying troll?!!!


Is it worth listening to opinions of low pay trolls
hired by 4th rate trolling companies any who?

Not anymore me thinks!

Trolling is an Industry in USA

Hiring low pay online trolls is ignorant.

Those hiring online trolls are too afraid to make a statement
in person in case their bollocks got cut off and sold
on ebay for 2 cents.

Most US politicians and businesses
are so corrupt and reliant to the point of addiction
on trolls and trolling and so they fund it all illegally
through charities because
funding through charities is untraceable
through loopholes in US law.

Nearly all foul mouthed trolling across all of usenet and forums
originates from the USA trolling industry.
The same ones screaming abuse against Americans
are the same ones screaming abuse at the rest of the world.
The US politician is proud because without their
daily dose of illegal funding through charities, and the
services of industrial strength trolling machinery,
they would be out flipping burgers for a living.

Troll friendly usenet sites like eternal-september.org
banned by att.net, ameritech.net, bellsouth.net, pacbell.net
and prodigy.net for its foul mouth and lies over trolling
and off topic spammer friendly posting policies against
the usenet charter of all known groups is where all of
the trolling problems begins.

The US politicians, embassy staff and anyone else falling for it like
Spanish government should know that the US trolls
ordering embassies to this kind of work
have no mandate for these kinds of activities.

Just rich companies that have bank rolled teams of asstroturfers
to create fake support and certainly no mandate.
Companies like Eedleman also run fake survey companies
and delete everything except outlying data to fake their reports
to add legitimacy to their trolling campaigns.

The US trolling companies now set up branch offices
in foreign countries like Netherlands
and UK to post illegally and subversively what is
handed down the chain of command leading all the way to
fake charities and marketing trolls
shielded illegally behind big corporations in US.
Wikileaks tells us 5% of all US diplomatic activity is to
do with Appil and Micorshaft trolls and their
trolling armies controlling US diplomatic services
at tax payer expense as their personal puppets.

There is NO MANDATE when fake asstroturfers are driving
the agenda.

The situation is so bad, it has spread into the military.
No one now knows who drives what agenda because
there is no traceability.

The fscking military, politicians, enviro nuts, music mafia,
using asstroturfing technology need the riot act read to them.

The situation is so incomprehensible that
the US has been declared falsely that it is the most charitable nation in
the world when at the same time 3 million US families
are living in shelter, and most of that charity money is fake
money being diverted from corporations into the coffers of asstroturfing
and PR companies. What would you do if you were
forced into a shelter and all your charity
money was stolen from your charity?
You are down and they still want to steal YOUR CHARITY MONEY?!??
Thats right you would tell them NEVER and tell
them fsck off in no uncertain terms and get the law changed
to make it a criminal offense to steal charity money
or spend it on anything other than 100% certified peer reviewed charity
without kickbacks, without creative accounting and
without morally unjust criminal behavior within
the charity system.

Most of the money funneled through
charities never make it to charitable causes in the USA.
It is stolen by politicians and pressure groups to cover
up their fake funding routes for asstroturfing.
They are used to it so we got to get over it?

No thanks!!!!

Not a single politician, embassy staff or military has a
mandate for one single political agenda because no one
knows who is funding who and who's agenda is real
and whose agenda is fake. Every signature collected
is one more fake signature for a mandate written out by

Asstroturfing through charities undermines society,
and all the nations dealing with US
and it must stop because no one in US has any legitimate
mandates for any of this activity any more.

If they have it, then should display their mandate
with pride, and show where the support had come from
and if any of it is through charities, then the
whole mandate is faked because charity status is being
abused to hide funding routes for corporate asstroturfing.

Asstroturfer offerings

I've just read the contents of the fbo.gov solicitation RTB220610

The US government wants asstroturfers and with it sophisticated
asstroturfing technology to drown out democratic free speech,
and then hide from those whom it seeks to victimize.

It was point no.3 that caught my eye:
0003- Static IP Address Management

What that means is the same as what I've been saying for a while about
doofi, flatcake and clog are true.

They are not individuals but a whole asstroturfing team
behind each sock puppet.

There isn't enough memory between the sock operators to know
or remember what had been said earlier so you know the
conversations are being typed out by multiple individuals
impersonating each other.
It was notable gaffs by the goofy doofy sock that first gave it away.

The asstroturfing teams had already gone into government and offered them
consulting services about what technology and asstroturfing
practices were out there for fbo.gov to decide what they will
purchase in solicitation RTB220610. Burson-Marstelar
won the contract performing all the activities
required in the solicitation with fantastic usenet software
tools for targeting individuals and trolling 24/7
and all built in outsourced India.

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Solicitation Number: RTB220610
Notice Type: Sources Sought
Synopsis: Added: 2010-06-22 13:42:52Jun 22, 2010 1:42 pm
Modified: 2010-06-22 14:07:11Jun 22, 2010 2:07 pmTrack Changes

0001- Online Persona Management Service.

50 User Licenses, 10 Personas per user. Software will
allow 10 personas per user, replete with background,
history, supporting details, and cyber presences
that are technically, culturally and geographically
consistent. Individual applications will enable an
operator to exercise a number of different online
persons from the same workstation and without fear
of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries.
Personas must be able to appear to originate in
nearly any part of the world and can interact through
conventional online services and social media platforms.
The service includes a user friendly application
environment to maximize the user's situational
awareness by displaying real-time local information.

0002- Secure Virtual Private Network (VPN).

1 each VPN provides the ability for users to
daily and automatically obtain
randomly selected IP addresses through
which they can access the internet. The daily
rotation of the user s IP address prevents compromise
during observation of likely or targeted web sites
or services, while hiding the existence of the
operation. In addition, may provide traffic mixing,
blending the user s traffic with traffic from multitudes
of users from outside the organization. This traffic
blending provides excellent cover and powerful deniability.
Anonymizer Enterprise Chameleon or equal

0003- Static IP Address Management.

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

50 each Licence protects the identity of government
agencies and enterprise organizations. Enables organizations
to manage their persistent online personas by assigning
static IP addresses to each persona. Individuals
can perform static impersonations, which allow
them to look like the same person over time. Also allows
organizations that frequent same site/service often to
easily switch IP addresses to look like ordinary
users as opposed to one organization.
Anonymizer IP Mapper License or equal

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

0004- Virtual Private Servers,

CONUS. 1 each Provides CONUS or OCONUS points of
presence locations that are setup for each customer
based on the geographic area of operations the
customer is operating within and which allow a
customer?s online persona(s) to appear to originate
from. Ability to provide virtual private servers that
are procured using commercial hosting centers around
the world and which are established anonymously. Once
procured, the geosite is incorporated into the network
and integrated within the customers environment and
ready for use by the customer. Unless specifically
designated as shared, locations are dedicated for use
by each customer and never shared among other customers.
Anonymizer Annual Dedicated CONUS Light Geosite or equal

0005- Virtual Private Servers, OCONUS.

8 Each Provides CONUS or OCONUS points of presence
locations that are setup for each customer based on
the geographic area of operations the customer is
operating within and which allow a customer?s
online persona(s) to appear to
originate from. Ability to provide virtual private
servers that are procured using commercial hosting
centers around the world and which are established
anonymously. Once procured, the geosite is incorporated
into the network and integrated within the customers
environment and ready for use by the customer. Unless
specifically designated as shared, locations are dedicated
for use by each customer and never shared among other
customers. Anonymizer Annual Dedicated OCONUS Light
Geosite or equal

0006- Remote Access Secure Virtual Private Network.

1 each Secure Operating Environment provides a reliable
and protected computing environment from which to stage
and conduct operations. Every session uses a clean
Virtual Machine (VM) image. The solution is accessed
through sets of Virtual Private Network (VPN) devices
located at each Customer facility. The fully-managed
VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) is an environment
that allows users remote access from their desktop into
a VM. Upon session termination, the VM is deleted and
any virus, worm, or malicious software that the user
inadvertently downloaded is destroyed. Anonymizer
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Solution or equal.

Contracting Office Address:
2606 Brown Pelican Ave.
MacDill AFB, Florida 33621-5000
United States
Place of Performance:
Performance will be at MacDIll AFB, Kabul, Afghanistan and Baghdad, Iraq.
MacDill AFB , Florida 33679
United States

Primary Point of Contact.:
Russell Beasley,
Contracting Officer
Phone: (813) 828-4729
Fax: (813) 828-5111
Richard Tobin
2013-08-24 01:42:53 UTC
In article <6jx2ug9cmx7m$.vlfdjm05td21$***@40tude.net>,
flatfish+++ <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

This is off-topic for uk.misc.

-- Richard
2013-08-24 10:32:36 UTC
Post by Richard Tobin
This is off-topic for uk.misc.
-- Richard
No it isn't. The hint is in the "misc" and the fact that the "European
Inventor Of The Year" is in the UK.
A certain COLA "advocate" faking his user-agent in order to pretend to be a Linux
user: User-Agent: Outlook 5.5 (WinNT 5.0), User-Agent: slrn/
(Linux), Message-ID: <wPGdnd3NnOM0ACfdRVn-***@comcast.com>